This part of my site is now officially dead. Well its been dead for quite some time now, but I now no longer use MSNtv. That's right I finally gave up and got a computer. MSNtv is dead. There are countless websites that can no longer be viewed on MSNtv. Its basically only good for text-based sites and e-mail. Sometimes its not even good at doing that. These WebTV/MSNtv pages will stay up for historic purposes only. They do provide some accurate information I have gathered over the years. MSNtv2? Yeah, its out there but is it really any better? If you are on MSNtv right now, check this out...
MSNtv PageBuilder- MSNtv lets its users have free web space to build their own personal web site. Just click the link to get started building your site today!
Adobe's PDF-to-HTML Conversion Site- You cannot view an Adobe Acrobat PDF file directly on MSNtv, but with this site you can convert any PDF file into an HTML file for easy viewing on MSNtv! [Be sure to select the option, HTML 3.2]
Domania Freeloader- A transloader that lets you upload files to any homepage provider's FTP address for free with MSNtv! Another transloader that will let you upload much larger files to your homepage provider's FTP address, and you can even import any image on the Web directly to your MSNtv scrapbook to be used in MSNtv's PageBuilder!
This site debuted on the Net in October of 1997.
This site was made entirely with an MSNtv/WebTV Internet reciever.
This site is best viewed on an MSNtv browser.