
Topic: Electronics
So on October 22, 2009, the release of Windows 7, I decided to buy a new computer. What better time, right? For crying out loud! I was running Windows Vista on 512MB of RAM for over 2 years! Time for something new. Something wayyyy faster. I wanna be able to watch an HD video, damn it! So I decided to go fairly big this time around. Right after work, I rushed down and bought me a notebook computer. Its a 17 inch widescreen with Intel Core Duo processor and 4MB of RAM. Windows 7 looks a lot similar to Vista but without all the bloat associated with Vista. Windows Media Center is included, and it is quite interesting. If you didn't like Vista because of its slowness, etc etc, but dug the look of it, you'll probably like Windows 7. It does have a redesigned task bar and some other neat features. But overall, it will remind you a lot of how Windows Vista looked. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Posted by +@\<
at 11:55 PM EDT