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Video Games
Something to Read When Extremely Bored
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My New iPod Touch
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Electronics

I finally decided to buy an Apple iPod Touch. I went with the 8GB 2nd generation one. It cost me around 225 bucks. It was either this or a Nintendo DSi. My hope has sort of given up on Nintendo given their poor choice of titles as well as other crap they pull on their customers.

I have been hearing so much about this iPod Touch, that I figured it was about time for me to get my hands on one. I definitely don't regret my purchase.

This thing is much more than just a fancy MP3 player. It has the ability to play videos. Sure, they have to be in a specific format. But when you get all that cleared up, the display is quite good. If you have access to wireless Internet (via your own wirless router or public wi-fi) you can find online videos. This is where the apps come in. Quite a few apps (applications) for this thing are absolutely free! You can't exactly say that with the Nintendo DSi or the Nintendo Wii. It seems their prices are outrageous at times. Hell, they're trying to sell Commodore 64 games! Come on now! What would they be worth to you? For me? I'd say about 2 bucks. Nintendo charges well over 5 bucks for each one. Gimmie a break! Also, Apple offers some cool games for the Touch. They make great use of the touch screen. Also the Touch has a sensor to know when you're turning it sideways, so this makes for some interesting games.

You first start by installing Apple iTunes on your PC to make things run smoothly with your iPod Touch. Its basically Apple's version of Windows Media Player with a robust online store offering videos, music, podcasts, apps and more! While most apps are free, the pay ones are usually only around 99 cents or $1.99! The app to watch any YouTube video is already pre-installed. You also have the Safari Web browser. Which is actually quite good. Much better than most wireless phone browsers. Other neat apps you can download for free include access to AOL IM, Yahoo Messenger, Netflix, TV Listings, Weather Forecasts, Google Earth, plus so much more. I was quite amazed by the number of apps out there. You can access and download the apps directly on the Touch via wi-fi. Although you are limited to only audio and apps downloads. You'd have to download the videos via your PC, then sync them to your Touch.

Now as with any nifty gadget there are some problems. First off, they might say the battery lasts over 30 hours for audio playback, but that must be with the display off. If you plan on using the wi-fi a lot, expect the battery only to last around 4 hours per charge. If you watch just video (offline), you're suppose to get around 6 hours of viewing time. I've only used it around 7 hours and had to charge it twice so far. Of course, I've been doing nothing but wi-fi on it, so there could be my problem. Another thing is the damn thing is so shiny, that it gets fingerprints galore on it! Sure they include a simple cloth to polish it up, but you're gonna have to live with fingerprints because afterall its a touch screen device! Other than that, I can't really think of anything else bad about it. Maybe that the Apple accessories are outrageously priced, but you can find some accessories from other companies for less. Want an example? If you want to view your iPod Touch on your HDTV for some reason, Apple expects you to pay 100 bucks for its AV connecter! Outrageous! You can find cheaper alternatives. Question is, why would you want to view the Touch display on your HDTV? I don't see myself ever really wanting to do that. Hooking an actual computer up to your HDTV makes a lot more sense to me.

Overall, if you've been considering this purchase, I  say "go for it"!


Posted by +@\< at 11:00 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 11:22 AM EDT
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